Production Sound Mixer & Recordist
Podcast Producer & Editor
07833 904825
Working Day
All quoted labour rates are based on a 10 hour day base to base.
Equipment Rental
All equipment brought to set is charged at a daily rate, as it would be from any rental house.
(Dry kit hire is subject to an equipment hire agreement)
"All-In" Rates
Deals can be made for an all inclusive rate that encompasses labour, kit and sometimes travel.
These deals come with caveats in respect to overtime. See below.
Overtime (OT)
OT is charged at 1.5xT (time and a half) for the first 2 hours over a 10 hour working day.
OT is then charged at 2xT (double time) every hour thereafter.
OT is also subject to employment regulations about rest time between calls to base.
Equipment hire is exempt from OT charges; unless part of an "all-in" deal.
"All-in" daily rates are subject, in full, to OT charges.
Data Transfer (DIT)
DIT off location and after shoot is charged at hourly rate based on working day rate. (min. 1 hour)
Data storage is also provided for up to two years.
Requests for data after the invoice date will be subject to the same hourly fee.
No guarantees are made as to the reliability of storage drives.
Travel Days
Travel Days are charged at full rate, minus kit.
Non-shooting days away from home are charged as a full day.
Kit is not charged on travel days.
If kit is used on travel days it will be charged for in full.
Charged at Cost
Accommodation & Public Transport.
Insurance premium for hired in equipment. (Unless already covered by production insurance)
Once a shoot is confirmed in writing (email, SMS, WhatsApp etc.), cancellations within close proximity to the shoot date will be charged at full rate including kit. Where up to the first two weeks of the booking will be charged.
Equipment Insurance Responsibility
All kit provided by me for use on production is rented to the production company and should be covered by Production Insurance. This is especially relevant to equipment not in my direct control; i.e. radio mics, IEMs or other kit used by people other than myself.
All equipment lost or damaged by cast or crew through misuse or misadventure must be covered by Production Insurance.
Production are also responsible for kit held in storage areas, both on the day and overnight.
International bookings must also provide appropriate travel insurance.
Full breakdowns of kit values are available on request.
From time to time I offer used items for sale.
All items are sold as described and as pictured.
If you think a description is unfair or misrepresented then I will consider returns and refunds.
Queries are welcome on all items prior to purchase.
Payment Terms
All invoices must be paid in a timely fashion in accordance to the payment terms of the invoice.
I am not a creditor. Any client suggesting payment terms in excess of 30 days will be rejected.
Invoices left unpaid beyond the agreed timeframe will be subject to late payment charges of 10% of the invoice amount per week.
Debts unpaid after 30 days of the invoice date are subject to statutory late payment charges and interest.
Interest charged and collection fee to be charged in accordance with guidelines.
For clarification on any of the above points, please feel free to contact me directly.
All invoice queries must be made in writing within 10 days of invoice date.